- “Concurrent Engineering” based user environment for model development, analysis, design, visualization and verification.
- Object-oriented intuitive 2D/3D graphical model generation.
- Pull down menus, floating toolbars, tool tip help.
- Quick data input through property sheets and spreadsheets.
- Isometric and perspective views 3D shapes. Sectional views.
- Flexible Zoom, Pan and Multiple views.
- Toggle display of Loads, Supports, Properties, Joints, Members, etc.
- Built-in Command File editor.
- Copy & Paste through clipboard.
- Simple Command Language.
- State-of-the-art Graphical Pre and Post Processor.
- Rectangular/Cylindrical Coordinate Systems with mix and match capabilities.
- Joint, Member/Element, Mesh Generation with flexible user-controlled numbering scheme.
- Efficient algorithm minimizes disk space requirements.
- FPS, Metric or SI units.
- Presentation quality printer plots of Geometry and Results as part of run output.
- Script style Programming language to extract data and execute external software.
- Performs multiple analysis in the same run.
- Performs analysis and design in one run.
Who Should Attend
Anyone who plans to become a regular user of STAAD. The class is appropriate for all disciplines, architects, civil engineers, structural engineers & mechanical designers- Diploma & Above.
Upon completion of the class, the student will be able to ….
- Analyse and design any beam with any loading type and any kind of supports.
- Analyse and design any 2D Frame with any loading type for any load sets.
- Analyse and design any plan (3D) of a RCC building for static, earthquake & wind loads.
- Analyse steel structures with truss elements.
- Analyse steel structures with beam elements.
- Analyse 3D Industrial Steel truss structures.
- Analyse bridge truss for moving loads.
- Analyse dome shape structures or any structure with plate elements
We recommend the learner to have reasonably good knowledge in “Strength of Materials” and should have a good concept of loads, Shear force & Bending Moment, Deflection, Degree of freedom, Supports, Constraints and little FEA concepts. The course covers the complete analysis and design of RCC structures.
Each Student Receives
- Comprehensive Course Material in Electronic format.
- Course completion certificate.
- Resume listing in this website (s).
2D RCC Structures
- Simple beam with UDL & a Point Load
- Simple beam with Triangular loads
- Simple beam with Trapezoidal loads
- Simple beam with moments & linearly varying loads
- Continues Beam with various loads and supports
- Portal frame
- Portal frame with 5 load combinations- Analysis
- Multistory / Multi bay 2D Frame- Analysis & design
- Multistory Frame with load combinations- Analysis & design
3D RCC Structures
- Simple 3D Structure- G+5
- Commercial multistory structure- G+10
- Project: Residential multistory structure- G+10
- Documentation of results
live Project-1 (Start to Finish)
Wind load & Earthquake analysis of RCC Structures
- Wind load analysis- Introduction to IS875
- G+10 Structure – Wind load analysis
- Earth Quake Analysis – Seismic Coefficient method – IS 1893- a discussion
- G+10 Structure – Eq load analysis
- Project – Adding Wind/ Eq loads to the project done above.
Steel Structures
- Modeling of various truss structures using
- STAAD Grid, STAAD-Str Wizard, AutoCAD..
- Analysis of 2D truss.
- Analysis & Design Check (Code check) of truss structure.
- Optimization of steel truss.
- Grouping of members in a steel truss.
- Steel structures with bending elements.
- 3D Industrial Steel structures.
- Bridge truss with moving loads.
Plates and Shells:
- Spherical slab
- Conical Slab
- Circular Slab
- Rectangular Slab
- Multiple Cylindrical slab
- Car gurage with folded plate
- Shear Walls
- Rectangular Water Tank
- Circular Water Tank
- Intz tank
- Spectrum Analysis
- Revision of Codes
- Exam on Structural Analysis & Codes
Live Projects-2 (Start to Finish)
Training Methodology-1: (At ECC Premises)
Note: ECC is closed because of the Pandemic in March 2020 and will remain closed till the Pandemic completely ends. So, the students are advised to prefer online training only.
a) The student is supposed to listen the day’s prescribed syllabus through our e-learning video lectures.
b) Then he is supposed to practice the same in the computer lab, with the help of e-tutors.
c) The lectures are made in such a way that the student will be able to do without any staff help.
d) Still, if the students gets any doubt, then the staff will assist him.
Course Fees: Rs.10000/- (Module 1 + Module 2)
Training Methodology-2: (Completely online)
a) The student is supposed to listen the day’s prescribed syllabus through our e-learning video lectures.
b) Then he is supposed to practice the same in the computer lab, with the help of e-tutors.
c) Software installation help will be given by our Systems support Engineer.
d) The lectures are made in such a way that the student will be able to do without any staff help.
e) Still, if the students gets any doubt, they are required to make a note of the same and email us in the doubts section in our online portal www.eccindia.org
f) Our instructors will answer your queries within 24 hours (or) will come online through skype and shall answer all the queries from all the students.
Course Fees: Rs.5000/- (Module 1 + Module 2)
Contact Ms. Faheem on 98661-31068 between 11am-6pm for any queries (or) Email us at services@eccindia.org and mark a copy to training@eccindia.org
For any Queries on online training, please contact Ms. Naima between 11am-6pm on 97033-31068.
D. Anand K. Reddy
M.Tech (Structural Engineering with Computer Applications)
Managing Director
Brief Profile: Has over 26 years of Experience in Structural Design Training. First Trainer to train the students on structural software in India. Ecc is the First CADD Institute in India to formally start training structural software since 1994. Trained over 500 Batches in STAAD & ETABS till date both in the Institute and at Engineering Colleges across India. Also trained almost all the state and central govt engineering departments in Hyderabad since 1994.
Email: services@eccindia.org